quick and easy lobotomies


meaghan houck:

b. 1994 in the backwoods of pennsylvania. after relocating to new york in 2013 to study at parsons the new school for design, the realization that academia was not the right fit came quickly. this led to a full-time position as a cinematographer, video editor, talent scout, and stylist at a creative studio, with a focus in editorial beauty and fashion. after four years, stepping away from working as a creative professional was necessary. this time away allowed for space to grieve, reflect, and start anew. now, most professional work is in the fields of production and post-production for podcasts and interviews. meaghan currently works as the audio editor for head south radio


in my current practice as a visual artist, i am most interested in exploring the notion of chance as well as discovering new ways to remove the artist from the art. many of the paintings made from 2020 on were created outside, letting the influence of my surroundings take control of what hits the canvas - paint, dirt, ash, or anything else existing in that same minuscule slice of the earth in that moment. disconnection seems to be the key to connection, in these instances.

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